
Monday 26 November 2018

The Snowman

I crept into the cold garage and opened
the freezer.As soon as I lifted the lid opened,
I saw a snowman.He showed me a picture
of his home I saw a snowman wearing a
top hat.I saw shoes on the boy.I saw a
button on a snowman and saw a kid in a house. The snowman walked out of the
door and started to run after him I
his hand and we flew into the clouds
to go see santa in the forest.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Keep Mangonui Ataahua

Keep Mangonui tidy and clean of rubbish. Whenever I have rubbish I put my litter Mangonui is a beautiful place .It was named after a big shark and it is a special place to live. I think we should keep in the bin.If I don't it might float down the drain and into the sea. Fish might eat it and die. Then we might eat the fish and we die.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

A hundred year ago on the pacific ocean was a man called moehuri .
He sailed from Hawaiki on his waka.When he saw and he did a karakia .
A big shark came and helped him.That's how mangonui got its name.
Moehuri  lived on Rangikapiti pa and had lots of babies.

They made houses and planted kumara. Moehuri sunk the waka and it
became a home for the shark.
It was a tapu place

Thursday 16 August 2018

One sunny day, my family decided to go to the pools in Awanui.

We got ready and packed the car and then we got in.
We got into our togs, then we drove to the pools. We jumped in
the pool.  There were diving flippers and there were goggles.
We jumped in the water.

I had a good day because I like swimming.

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Once upon a time there was a lady called Rona and a dad and two children.They lived on
pa by a lake.The lake was big as a giant you could see another island in the distarce

Rona was a very angry lady.One day the dad said” We are going fishing tonight ,so when we get back we want some hangi because we will be hungry”.  She was cross because she had to make the hangi by herself. Rona ran out of water then she stubbed her toe on a rock and she said ‘’pokohua!’’.

Monday 25 June 2018

Monday 21 May 2018

I see seagulls splashing like dolphins. I hear waves crashing
onto the  rocks. I feel the nice smooth water on my hands.
Smelly rotten bait and diesel from boats fill my nose.  I see
road that cars are driving on today as they went too the jetty.

Tuesday 27 February 2018